Welcome to the
Zine Machine

Zine Machine

Read me 🌐 online or
πŸ“ƒ print βœ‚οΈ cut πŸ™ fold me πŸ’œ

What's a zine?

Zines are little, self-produced publications with a history going back to the 1920s. People used zines to share the content they were passionate about with others and over the years that's been everything from sci-fi, feminism, and rock music. As access to photocopiers and later printers became more widespread, creating a zine was an easy option for almost anyone.

A pile of UK music zines from the 1970s
UK music zines from the 1970s, Jake from Manchester, UK
[CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Phones 🀜VSπŸ€› Zines

Of course, with the Internet everywhere sharing what you care about with the world is even easier… but there's still something nice about a physical thing that you can keep. We benchmarked the world's best phones against the world's best zines for you right here.

Phones Zines
Battery life Maybe 6 hours 600 years
Offline content Mmm, well sometimes Always
When dropped Smashed to bits Might get a little dirty
Can read in bath Probably, but risky Might go a bit crinkly
Cost $1000 10Β’

Zine wins! πŸ’€ PRACTICALITY πŸ’€

We still πŸ’œ webs though, so:
Q: How do we combine these worlds?
A: With the power of CSS!

Making zines on the web πŸ•ΈοΈ

That magic is what means this web page is also a zine if you print it! Go ahead, try pressing your button now. You will need to set the page to landscape and make sure there's no margins or scaling. We want to print on the edge, baby! You should see a preview laid out like this:

A grid of 8 pages laid out on an A4 sheet, numbered
8 zine pages ready to be πŸ“ƒ printed βœ‚οΈ cut and πŸ™ folded

We're using the template and instructions from: bit.ly/zine-making-on-wikibooks

Step 1: Crease all the lines then fold in half. A folded grid of 8 pages laid out on an A4 sheet, numbered
Step 2: Cut across the fold halfway through the page. A folded A4 sheet with 4 tiles of pages showing, and scissors cutting into the sheet
Step 3: Unfold and there should be a little hole. A grid of 8 pages laid out on an A4 sheet, numbered. The central section is parted in a diamond shape.
Step 4: Fold lengthways. An A4 sheet folded lengthways with 4 tiles of pages showing, numbered
Step 5: Gently fold the centre until you form a + shape. An A4 sheet folded lengthways, pushed inwards, with 2 tiles of pages showing, numbered
Step 6: Now - magic! Fold all the pages around. Page 1 is the front cover, page 8 is the back. An A4 sheet folded into a booklet

You are now a published author!

The key things we need here are a print-specific layout and CSS grid. Conveniently, Rachel Andrew (@rachelandrew@front-end.social) has amazing resources for both:

CSS Grid

The critical components here are the named areas for the grid. We can draw it like a little ASCII diagram in our stylesheet.

.zine {
  display: grid;
  "page-5 page-4 page-3 page-2"
  "page-6 page-7 page-8 page-1";

Then we can position and rotate each of the pages as we need!

.page-5, .page-4, .page-3, .page-2 {
  transform: rotate(180deg);
.page-1 { grid-area: page-1; }
.page-2 { grid-area: page-2; }
/* You get the idea… */

Print styles

We don't need grid layout when in browser, so we're wrapping all of that in a media query.

@media print {
  /* Styles in here will only be
  applied when printing! */

We also want to hint to the browser we are using a landscape layout.

@media print {
  @page {
    size: landscape;

We also don't want links underlined, since, you know, you can't click paper… yet.

a {
  color: inherit;
  text-decoration: none;

Swap all kinds of things around for print versus screen. Fill your page with animated gifs, but show a comic strip in print! Use dark mode on screen, but an ink-friendly light theme in print.